Is there Quick Start guide?

Please do check out the Online Quick Start Guide before getting started, to get 10+ times of productivity improvement.

Keyboard shortcuts cheat sheet

Press ⌘⌥^ (Command + Alt + Ctrl) to show shortcut tips in the active organization chart window.

The best practice to create organization chart quickly?

OrgChart supports to maintain the departments on outline, chart and updating panels.

  • Chart panel is more intuitive to adding, moving and removing departments by mouse gestures.
  • Outline panel acts like a grid which helps to get inputting be more efficient
  • And the updating panel (peroperty panel) helps to maintain the properties of a selected department together.

Following please check our practice to create a new organization chart efficiently (of course this is not the only way to be efficient)

  • First step - input all the departments in the outline panel

    Continuously input all the department names in the outline panel. We don’t need to adjust the department hierarchy when inputting the names

  • Second step - adjust the hierarchy of all the departments in the outline panel (following please check the useful effictive operations)

    • Select a department - By mouse clicking, or typing up/down key to select department
    • Chane Outline Level
      • “COMMAND” + “Left Key / Right Key” to indent/outdent department
      • Or on the chart panel, “COMMAND” + “Mouse move” to move department to be child of another department.
    • Chane Department Sequence
      • “COMMAND” + “Mouse move Up/Down” to move department in same or across department groups (if mouse is on the “photo” column of selected the department, no need to press “COMMAND” key, just click to move mouse up/down to change department sequence).
      • “OPTION” + “Left KEY / Right KEY” to move selected department in SAME department group.
  • Third step - Update department properties. We have completed the basic tree structure. Now we can change the display preperties of all the departments, in the outline, chart and updating panel.
    • OrgChart supports to APPLY visual style to all the children – using this feature well will helps to adjust organization very easily and efficiently.

    • Chart panel is more intuitive to adjust department tree, OrgChart for macOS supports to drag/drop to move and copy departments
      • “COMMAND” + “Mouse move” to move selected department to be child of other department
      • “OPTION” + “Mouse move” to copy selected department to be child of other department
    • Double-click is a good way to show the updating panel
    • OrgChart supports to copy/paste cell content in outline panel. Select a cell (not in edit box) and press “COMMAND + C” to copy the content, then move to other department to select same cell, press “COMMAND + V” to paste the content of selected cell
    • OrgChart also supports to copy department, “COMMAND + SHIFT + C” to copy select department, “COMMAND + SHIFT + V” to paste as child (On chart panel, we can also copy department by gesture – “OPTION” + “MOUSE MOVE”)

    For example to change the layout property

How to create direct reporting relationship between departments with level gap > 1?

OrgChart organizes departments in a tree structure, except the top level department, every department should connect and only can connect to one parent department.

For the case, if we have reporting relationship that the organization level of the child department is lower more than parent department. For example a three levels of organization structure:

  • CEO <-- Director <-- Department Head
  • But some department heads directly report to CEO

For this case, we can add a virtual department (with different display style) between the CEO and the department heads, as following an example:

How many ways to add new departments?

  • Click “Create new department” button at bottom of outline panel - For the purpose to continously input departments as child of the root department efficiently
  • Select a department, and then type “+” to add a new department as child - After new department added, the new department will be selected.
  • Click the “+” icon on the selected block on Chart panel - The new department will not be selected (you can select to use this or preceding method if need to select or not select the new department).
  • Type “OPTION” + “+” to add a new department NEXT to selected department
  • Drag from macOS contact app
  • Copy/Paste and Drag/Drop inner the app

How to create assistant relationship?

  • Select the parent department, and to change the layout (which defines how to lay out children)

  • Long press on a child department, to change the connection point

Failed to open the organization file on Mac ?

When opening a .org file, if we get an error message like following, please manually change the file extension from "org" to "orgx".

  • The issue is because that one another app on your Mac registered the ".org" file extension as the file type named "org-mode" for other purposes. When opening the .org file using the OrgChart app, the macOS sends incorrect data to the OrgChart app.
  • Unfortunately, there is no tool found to change the file extension registration information in the macOS system.
  • It is out of the control of the OrgChart app, as OrgChart is running in the sandbox environment with limited permission.
  • Fortunately, the ".orgx" file extension is not be used by other apps until now.

Can all the groups be collapsed together?

  • ⇧⌥⌘ → (Shift + Option + Command + Right) to expand all groups
  • ⇧⌥⌘ ← (Shift + Option + Command + Left) to collapse all groups
  • Or put five fingers on the touch pad (do not need to click, just put the fingers on the pad together)

How to sync across multiple devices via iCloud Drive?

If I own the Mac version do I need to purchase the iOS version too?

Yes, at the moment there is no way to bundle the apps from different operation systems.

How to get a refund?

We are sorry, but we can not issue a refund directly as the purchases and refunds are handled only by the Apple App Store, and you can request one by reporting a problem to Apple, and get more help from Apple support. There are also many articles related we can search via Google.com

App Purchasing, Downloading, Installation and Updating issues.

The developer and the app has no control on app purchasing, downloading, installation and Updating. Click to access Apple Support Website

Anything else?

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